Friday, April 16, 2010

Why I prefer Linux - Reasons #1 Cost

Recently I've been back and forth on trying to setup a iTunes computer. I'm quickly reminded why I prefer Linux over Windows. What can you do with $340? I could buy two RC Helicopters. I could buy a two new monitors for my desk. I could buy a new bare-bones PC kit with one of the latest CPUs in it. I could take the family on a weekend vacation. So what could you buy?

Windows Professional is listed in our local computer store for $340. Where Fedora 12 is free, and only costs the blank DVD (if your not using PXE booting like I am) Sure I can get that discounted, or steal it, or get a copy from e-bay... but the point is Linux is free. No hassle working about legal copies.

All arguing about which is better aside you can't beat the initial price.


  1. $340 is kind of a major exaggeration for the cost of Windows. Pretty well no one pays that. Most people get Windows with a new PC purchase, and windows adds somewhere between $20 and $80 into the cost of the laptop, depending on the edition and particular licensing agreement. Even for a full retail version, the going rate on ebay is easily under $100. And keep in mind that Windows comes with support, which a free linux offering does not have.

  2. Man what's with you windows guys. I say Free and you come back and say ya but you can get windows for cheaper at... FREE as in cheapskate wife who won't let me buy anything type situation... :)

    Dell price differences between Windows and Linux laptops is +$100 CND for matching configuration. Also I confirmed that Futureshop in our area adds $163 (and up) CND to each computer with Windows included. The $340 CND was the listed price for a full price windows 7 Professional from Futureshop or (it's changed now I just check, Professional is $279.95 at and Futureshop it's gone, but Ultimate is listed at $349.99). It's what I'd have to pay to put it on my machines if I wanted to go untampered. E-Bay may list them for under $100 but there's no guarantee the license is still valid or legal. My father purchased a copy of software off e-bay and when tried to register it was reported invalid. Granted you can always steel a copy of windows for free but that's not the point.

    Also Fedora Linux does come with support. to start with. You can also get third-party phone support for cheap.

    But again the point of the rant, Linux is still free. Windows there is still a cost somewhere.
