Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Installing Fedora 15

Whenever I do the mass update/upgrade at release time -- currently doing Fedora 15 -- I'm always reminded by two things.

1.  When working for Lenbrook Industries (back in 1995-1996) I was tasked with setting up 10-20 computers for training, on a repeated basis.  It would take me one or two days to setup all the computer by loading the OS from floppy, and all the software from floppy.  I used to have stacks of disks on each desk and spend the day walking from computer to computer, swapping disks and pressing enter.

2.  Microsoft commissioned/supported a study to show that the TOC of Windows was much lower then Linux.  One factor that study failed to quote was typically administrators can manage more Linux computers and Windows computers.   (granted with Windows 7 those numbers might be getting closer.)

Now a days in the linux world I'm sitting at one computer remotely installing the new Fedora on several computers around the house.   I have fedora on my PXE server and all I did was go up to the computer, start the installer in VNC mode, then sit at a main computer and manage all of them.  I also setup and install additional software, never leaving the computer in my office.   Much simpler than the Win95 day install with floppies.

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