Ease of use is a raging debate, but it really boils down to one thing. Software! So which do you find easier to use of these two screen shots? Linux or Windows? For those who have found my point too obscure (yes I know I'm in my own little world most of the time) both Windows and Linux can run Firefox. Both Linux and Windows can run flash and youtube. Both Linux and Windows can run many pieces of software, you can even get Microsoft Office and Photoshop running under a product called wine. Companies like CodeWeavers and Cedega even create nice gui screens making the installing of Windows programs on Linux simple.
Personally I think the easy of use for distributions of Fedora and Ubuntu released in 2010/09 are just as easy to use as Windows 7. I have my Parents using Linux and I've had far less support calls from them with Linux than I ever had on Windows. (Granted I moved them off Windows from 2000/XP)
Most of the arguments presented to me against Linux is a comparison of Windows 7 pre-installed on a computer by 7 computer techs, to a download-able CD/DVD off the web. Sure for the most part new Linux users are on there own. But Linux has come along way from needing to download those 17 floppies and trying to figure out how to create images. These days we have LiveDVD/USB. You just burn it to a disk, put it in a computer and turn it on. Now your in Linux using firefox in all it's glory. Most people don't even use the OS these days. Which probably explains where Gnome Shell came from. Video: #1, #2, #3, #4. So for all those people saying Windows is easier to use than Linux I have to ask, did you install it yourself? Have you used a new version of Linux like Fedora or Ubuntu? What have you tried to do with your computer?
Now this is just the using part... we haven't even got to the installing of software or installing a new PC...
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